Monday, February 23, 2009

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Publishing

I've toyed recently with the idea of asking if there are any questions about publishing that people out there want me to answer. (And, if there are, stick 'em in comments or send me an e-mail, and I'll try to get to them.)

But I've been lapped by Editorial Anonymous, a children's book editor whose blog I've managed to miss for far too long. This editor is currently running an amazingly informative series of posts called "Definitions for the Perplexed." They tend to the 4-color, children's side of the business, as one would expect, but things are more complicated there to begin with -- so it's a great resource. (I've even learned a thing or two, such as how the check digit in ISBNs is calculated.)

If you ever wanted to know what a F&G is (or are; I've always referred to them in the plural), what the differences between the different proofs are, or what CMYK means, go there now.

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