Friday, October 23, 2020

Quote of the Week: Emotional Support

Before I could, Overse caught up with me and asked "Are you all right?"
I was absolutely great. It wasn't like this situation needed to get any more emotionally fraught, or anything. I said, "I am functioning optimally." (This was a line from Valorious Defenders, which is a great source for things humans and augmented humans think SecUnits say that SecUnits do not actually say.)
Overse made an exasperated noise. "I hate that show." I'd forgotten that it was one of the shows I'd pulled off the Preservation Public Entertainment feed. The other humans were listening on the comm so hard I could pick up their breathing. Thiago pretended not to listen, flashing his helmet light over the stations on the upper tier of the control area. Overse added, "Just remember you're not alone here."
I never know what to say to that. I am actually alone in my head, and that's where 90 plus percent of my problems are.
 - Martha Wells, Network Effect, p.242

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