A Weblog by One Humble Bookman on Topics of Interest to Discerning Readers, Including (Though Not Limited To) Science Fiction, Books, Random Thoughts, Fanciful Family Anecdotes, Publishing, Science Fiction, The Mating Habits of Extinct Waterfowl, The Secret Arts of Marketing, Other Books, Various Attempts at Humor, The Wonders of New Jersey, the Tedious Minutiae of a Boring Life, Science Fiction, No Accounting (For Taste), And Other Weighty Matters.
I'm certainly guilty of misusing "afterwards" and "towards," and probably more. I also find myself rewriting e-mails to avoid "hopefully" once or twice a week.
Robert: Yes, language does change -- but it's in the interests of all language-users to do their bit to keep it from changing in the direction of being less precise and more confusing.
Every time someone uses "less" to describe a countable item, the Sad Baby Jesus cries.
Hopefully, a list such as this is mostly unique in its nitpickery on some of these items. Language, it changes.
Robert: Yes, language does change -- but it's in the interests of all language-users to do their bit to keep it from changing in the direction of being less precise and more confusing.
Every time someone uses "less" to describe a countable item, the Sad Baby Jesus cries.
Well, Sad Baby Jesus *would* do that.
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