Monday, July 01, 2024

Portions for Foxes: Lissie

"Portions for Foxes" is a series of weekly posts, each about one song by a woman or a band led by a woman. See the introduction for more.

This week I have a big rocking song by a singer-songwriter who I was sure was going to be huge. (Shows what I know about public tastes and the music industry, I suppose. I still like my world better.)

I think I saw her performing this on TV - Craig Ferguson's late-night show, as I recall - and was so impressed I bought the record soon after. So it worked for me the way it was supposed to: maybe it did work pretty well. Maybe she's been bigger than I realized; I've already admitted I don't know much about the biz.

This is Lissie, with Shameless, a smart, rocking tune that was the lead single from her second album, back more than a decade ago.

I don't want to be famous
If I got to be shameless

This is a young person's song, ready to take on the world and tilt at windmills. It's not quite angry, but it's not happy with the world, and wants to make a difference, wants to change things. It the kind of song a young artist puts out to say "here I am, this is what I care about, this is what I wanna do - if you don't like it too bad." Lissie does all that really well here, and her energy and drive is inspiring.

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