Thursday, July 04, 2024

A Difficult Song To Google

Just a random song that I like a lot recently - this is Moment from the band Holy Fuck, from their 2020 record Deleter.

They're an electronica - well, kinda, they do a somewhat similar sound with somewhat different techniques - band out of Toronto. And I've been a fan long enough that I had to avoid listening to their music when my kids were smaller, because you don't want the "Daddy, what song is that?" "Oh, it's by Holy Fuck."

This song has been playing for me a lot recently in a specific way that I'm not going to explain - it's weirdly complicated, and not really relevant - so I'll just say it's welcome whenever it pops up, and it's been popping up a lot.

And, yes, if you do google "holy fuck moment" you will get a lot of videos by young men not overly endowed with intelligence describing ways they probably should have died. But also this song:

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