Sunday, July 07, 2024

Reviewing the Mail: Week of July 6, 2024

One book this week, which actually did come in the mail and actually is of SFF interest - not that this blog is SFF-focused at all these days, but I get the sense the couple of actual readers I do have prefer that end of the literary world.

That book is:

New Adventures in Space Opera, a reprint anthology edited by Jonathan Strahan covering the last decade or so - so it's pretty much the wave after the "New Space Opera" of the beginning of this century. It has fourteen stories in its three-hundred-ish pages, from writers including Alastair Reynolds, T. Kingfisher. Yoon Ha Lee, Ailette de Bodard, Charlie Jane Anders, and Arkady Martine.

It's from Tachyon, and I have a finished book in my hands, though I see the official publication date is August 13. So it is already a real thing and is making its way out into the world as we speak.

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