A Weblog by One Humble Bookman on Topics of Interest to Discerning Readers, Including (Though Not Limited To) Science Fiction, Books, Random Thoughts, Fanciful Family Anecdotes, Publishing, Science Fiction, The Mating Habits of Extinct Waterfowl, The Secret Arts of Marketing, Other Books, Various Attempts at Humor, The Wonders of New Jersey, the Tedious Minutiae of a Boring Life, Science Fiction, No Accounting (For Taste), And Other Weighty Matters.
Andrew Wheeler was Senior Editor of the Science Fiction Book Club and then moved into marketing. He currently works for Thomson Reuters as Manager, Content Marketing, focused on SaaS products to legal professionals. He was a judge for the 2005 World Fantasy Awards and the 2008 Eisner Awards. He also reviewed a book a day multiple times. He lives with The Wife and two mostly tame children (Thing One, born 1998; and Thing Two, born 2000) in suburban New Jersey. He has been known to drive a minivan, and nearly all of his writings are best read in a tone of bemused sarcasm. Antick Musings’s manifesto is here. All opinions expressed here are entirely those of Andrew Wheeler, and no one else. There are many Andrew Wheelers in the world; this may not be the one you expect.
After I finished my recent review of Steve Erickson's new novel These Dreams of You, I felt the urge to get new copies of his first two novels, Days Between Stations and Rubicon Beach. (Though, thinking about it another week later, the Erickson books I really should be reading this summer are Leap Year and American Nomad, his two "non-fiction" books about presidential election years and the craziness of America.)
So I fired up the ol' Amazon, found used copies of the editions I used to have -- Vintage Contemporaries in both cases -- and added them to my cart. Since that wasn't enough for free shipping, I had to dig a bit more...
First, Amazon randomly turned up You Must Go and Win, a memoir from the singer-songwriter Alina Simone, which is really weird, since I've been listening to her 2011 album Make Your Own Danger, so the name was weirdly familiar but entirely out of context. At the time, You Must Go was ridiculously cheap -- and it looks to be actually well-written and interesting, not just "literate for a musician" -- so go check it out if you're interested in the story of a young Ukranian woman trying to make a music career in Brooklyn.
I also pulled Leonard Kinsey's The Dark Side of Disney out of my wish list, since it's been recommended to me by Amazon's bots a few dozen times by now. It's probably not as shocking as it claims to be, but it's a guide to that big tourist complex in Orlando from a very different POV, so it looked worth checking out. (And extensive searching has not turned up a single library I can connect to that has it available.)
And last was something that isn't a book -- Kate Miller-Heidke's new CD Nightflight. I hardly ever buy music except as used CDs -- they're cheaper and act as their own backup once I rip them -- but this was pseudo-new (still in shrinkwrap, but called "used" for some obscure Amazon reason). And, because I am a good and loving person, here are several Kate Miller-Heidke songs in a widget, to demonstrate why I wanted her record quickly:
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