And now the Tamakis are back with This One Summer
The central character of This One Summer is Rose. She's seems to be about eleven, maybe ten, arriving at the bungalow on Aswago Beach that her family has summered in for many years. She's got a great summer friend in Windy, another single child a year and a half younger. Her parents are going through a rough time, for reasons that become clearer as the book winds forward. And Rose herself is growing older and trying to discover or create her teen self: not interested in the fort-building she and Windy did last year, watching horror movies, and complicatedly crushing on Dunc, the boy who works in the one store in town.
This One Summer is quiet and atmospheric, without big moments or sudden surprises -- it's like life, happening moment by moment and adding up to much more than you expect quicker than you imagine. Every moment, every panel is a carefully crafted gem, with just the right words and pictures. I expect this book to be just as acclaimed, and win just as many awards, as its predecessor.
Book-A-Day 2014 Introduction and Index
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