So we know what to expect from the stylish and gorgeous manwha called Void's Enigmatic Mansion, Vol. 1
This volume tells the complete story of one inhabitant and begins the story of a second; given that the building has seven stories and five or six of them are filled with apartments, there should be room to have at least another dozen or two horrible wishes, assuming two to four apartments per floor. The earnest young man Lavelle will clearly be important, and not as a wisher -- if I followed the implications correctly, wishes must be spoken clearly in his presence to come true. (And they're not entirely supernatural in their actions; the wisher has to actively make his wish come true.)
It's all creepy and atmospheric, but I wonder how long it can go on: there's going to have to be a different payoff for the third or fifth wish, or more details about Void and Lavelle, or this will get very old very quickly. The art is lovely -- full-color paintings by HeeEun Kim, who is also credited with adapting this (though from what, exactly, the book declines to say -- the "original" is credited to JiEun Ha) -- and that could keep interest running for a while longer. But, otherwise, I'm not seeing a strong basis for a continuing series here: it's a setup designed to send one message over and over again, which is only interesting if you're Western Union.
Book-A-Day 2014 Introduction and Index
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