I've previously pointed out that we always need to call him "the
Norwegian cartoonist Jason" to place him, as if he has a Homeric
epithet, and so I'm doing that again here. (If you
say something is necessary, and then don't
it, you undercut your own argument.) If I'm counting correctly, this is
his third Jason collection of short comics to be published in the US,
Low Moon and
Athos in America.
Since none of those collections list place or date of first
publication, I have no idea if this means that Jason has been doing a
lot of short stories over the past decade -- and, if so, where they've
been appearing -- or if his US publisher, Fantagraphics, is just
catching up on a huge backlog.
(Once again, we see a
side effect of the fact that I am not King of All Books; requiring
detailed listings of previous publications would be my very first
If You Steal
has eleven stories in just over two hundred pages -- it's the short-story companion to
Athos in America,
which had six longer stories in about the same page count. As usual, it
has some genre exercises -- "Karma Chameleon" is a 1950s giant-creature
movie in comics form, and "Lorena Vasquez" is a deadpan spoof of a
Mexican wrestler-movie fight scene -- along with more surrealist pieces,
like the openers and closers ("If You Steal" and "Nothing") and quick
jokes, like "Waiting for Bardot," which mashes up Brigitte with Beckett.
And there's also the ultimate conspiracy-theory story about JFK's
assassination, "Ask Not," which manages to encompass every possible
variation in thirty pages, with its only captions giving time and place.
work is chilly and intellectual at its core, but the outside is
familiar and welcoming, using ideas and characters and plots we all
recognize -- though transformed into his trademark dead-eyed
animal-headed people, who never show any emotion. I can see readers being turned off by either of those two elements -- the underlying cold analysis or the surface triviality -- but they're the ones who are missing out; Jason's stories are smart and funny and sneaky and silly (in a very dignified, artsy way).
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