Books are good things. Oh, wait -- look! I have two new books
right here in front of me to tell you about!
These arrived in my mail over the past few days, and I blush to admit I haven't read either of them. But here's what looks good about 'em.
Ken Liu, one of the most recent
winderkinder to crop up in the SFF field, has won pretty much all of the major awards in the field for his short fiction. But you know what he
hasn't had? A collection of that short fiction. But the fine folks at Saga Press are correcting that, with the publication of
The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories
on March 8th. It's a classy hardcover with fifteen stories in it, and the front matter even details where they all originally appeared, which warms the cockles of my heart.

And then there's
An Unattractive Vampire
by Jim McDoniel, in which a thousand-year-old creature of the night wakes up after being entombed for three hundred years to find that vampires are now sparkly and pretty and
nice. (Apparently, he woke up about a decade ago.) This is McDoniel's first novel, in a satiric vein, and will be of great interest to all those people grousing online about the wrong kind of vampires moving into their towns and lowering the property values and so forth. This one is published by Sword & Laser -- or maybe by Inkshares, Ink.; the former is on the cover but the latter is named as the publishing entity on the copyright page -- and is available in trade paperback as of the 15th of this month.
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