I continue to buy books faster than I read them: some might think that's a problem, but I'm sure it will work out all right in the end. (Don't you get a prize if you die with the largest number of unread books?)
Anyway, two of these came from a library sale, and two came from a trip to Midtown Comics in the city on the way to a production of
Julius Caesar by the Acting Company. You can probably guess which is which.
The Girl with the Deep Blue Eyes is a novel by Lawrence Block, published in 2015 by Hard Case Crime. I
suspect it's an old book, probably from the '60s, since that's the style hard Case works in. But it
says it's the first edition, so that would either make it a brand-new novel (as of two years ago, admittedly) or something lost in the files for whatever reason.
Catch and Release is another Block book from Hard Case; it was a collection of short stories, and it came out in 2013. (Really? That long ago? I
am getting behind.)
Mooncop is a graphic novel by Tom Gauld. You can guess what it's about. Gauld has a great style, and a great deadpan affect -- as seen in his collection of short strips
You're All Just Jealous of My Jetpack for example -- so this should be great.
Bandette, Vol. 3: The House of the Green Mask is the latest in the series by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover about the lady thief of the title. (The distaff version of a "gentleman thief," so to speak.) See my reviews of the
first two books, both excellent souffle-esque concoctions kept up by pure
elan and verve.

And last is
Giant Days, Vol. 4 the latest collection of the comic by John Allison and Max Sarin. It is awesome, you should be reading it, and, if you want to know why, see my posts on volumes
two, and
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