Monday, May 20, 2024

Portions for Foxes: Hot Springs

"Portions for Foxes" is a series of weekly posts, each about one song by a woman or a band led by a woman. See the introduction for more.

I'm not deliberately alternating here, going from a slow song to a loud one, but sometimes the alphabet falls out that way. Last week was quiet and contemplative; this week is loud and pushy.

This time out I have Headrush, my favorite song from the short-lived Montreal band Hot Springs, led by singer-songwriter-guitarist Giselle Webber. It starts with a roar and never lets up, and Webber sings it with a throaty growl and a tone and accent utterly unique.

It's from their one and only album, 2007's Volcano (which has several other great songs like Fantome Dinosaure and Cellophane), and it rocks out from the moment it starts.

I usually try to weave in some lyrics to these posts, but this song has no lyrics posted anywhere I can find. And Webber's voice is so individual, her accent so unique, that I hesitate to try to figure it out myself.

But this is rock: you need to listen, not to analyze. Turn it up, pump your fist. Feel the Headrush.

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