Friday, September 02, 2022

Quote of the Week: Truth in Advertising

Maurice did his kibbling at Katz's Kosher Kibble Kompany, which is owned by our family and is the maker of Katz's Kosher Kitty Kibble, and Katz's Kosher Kute Puppy Kibble. Some explanation is in order here, so I will say that if you look up "kibble," the best definition you will find is, "something that has been kibbled." It is chunks or bits, usually of grain, for use as animal feed, and it comes in bags. "Kosher" refers to food that has been prepared in a manner according to Jewish law. There is no evidence that any cats or dogs belong to a specific religion, including Judaism, so it is highly unlikely that whether or not kibble is kosher would mean anything to them. Also, it is unclear whether kibble can even be kosher. To be precisely correct, the wording on the label should be in quotes, Kosher, or better, Kosher Style. Nobody seems to care.

 - Daniel Pinkwater, Crazy in Poughkeepsie, pp.4-5

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