PBF's creator, Nicholas Gurewitch, has disappeared nearly as completely; since the last PBF strip in the summer of 2008, a few short strips (mostly in the same style) have appeared, such as in Marvel's indy-creator showcase Strange Tales, but there's been no word of a larger Gurewitch project. He may turn out to be one of the rare creators, like Bill Watterson, who can just walk away from his comics career to do something else -- I hope not, though, since I'd certainly hate to have seen the last new Gurewitch cartoon.
This collection is the second PBF book, after The Trial of Colonel Sweeto and Other Stories
Besides collecting what might well be the complete published PBF, Almanack also includes a section in the back with thirty "lost strips" -- previously unpublished PBF strips that Gurewitch or his editors spiked for one reason or another over the years. After that comes four pages of Gurewitch sketches, two miscellaneous images, and a long interview of Gurewitch by fellow webcartoonist David (Wondermark) Malki. So this is the full and definitive PBF package.
The strip itself is as it always was: a blackly humorous, almost completely continuity-free sequence of mordant jokes about sex and death -- and occasionally other things as well, for a change of pace. But "sex and death" covers a good three-quarters of this book, particularly if one is expansive and includes grievous bodily harm under death. (There's a bit of blasphemy as well, for spice, though that sometimes overlaps with sex and/or death.) Gurewitch's art is protean, ranging from closely-modeled parodies of Shel Silverstein, Bil Keane, and Edward Gorey through his dough-limbed blank-faced Everymen through to a dramatic realistic style, with many stops and sidetrips along the way to other styles and looks. Perry Bible Fellowship was one of the least consistent-looking strips ever devised, with each installment designed and drawn in a style particular to that specific joke. While it was running, it was easily the best webcomic, just from that huge (and generally successful) ambition. This book is a great monument to PBF, and we can only hope that we haven't seen the last of Nicholas Gurewitch.
Book-A-Day 2010: The Epic Index
Listening to: Holmes - Not a Political Song
1 comment:
Hm, http://pbfcomics.com/ works for me! It looks identical to the http://www.cookingschoolnews.com/ page.
Weird that he's essentially disappeared though!
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