- every third page of A Dance with Dragons
A Weblog by One Humble Bookman on Topics of Interest to Discerning Readers, Including (Though Not Limited To) Science Fiction, Books, Random Thoughts, Fanciful Family Anecdotes, Publishing, Science Fiction, The Mating Habits of Extinct Waterfowl, The Secret Arts of Marketing, Other Books, Various Attempts at Humor, The Wonders of New Jersey, the Tedious Minutiae of a Boring Life, Science Fiction, No Accounting (For Taste), And Other Weighty Matters.
Ayep. It is one of the most overused phrases in his book.
Editors are supposed to catch things like that before printing, yes? Perhaps GRRM has risen to sufficient eminence that he no longer feels the need to listen to editors. Or perhaps the assigned editor felt too intimidated to monkey with the prose.
Anonymous: Nope; that's a matter of style. Editors can -- and usually do -- suggest changes, but authors are generally free to ignore those, even if they're not huge bestsellers.
Each page of Dance with Dragons was set in type about two seconds after the file was crowbar'd from GRRM's hands. There was copy editing I'm sure, but I doubt there was any time for editing anything else.
Anonymous: You are not wrong.
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