Saturday, August 10, 2024

Quote of the Week: Drink Is Preferable to Laundry

And I, the long-time intimate of John Barleycorn, knew just what he promised me - maggots of fancy, dreams of power, forgetfulness, anything and everything save whirling washers, revolving mangles, humming centrifugal wringers, and fancy starch and interminable processions of duck trousers moving in steam under my flying iron. And that's it. John Barleycorn makes his appeal to weakness and failure, to weariness and exhaustion, He is the easy way out, And he is lying all the time. He offers false strength to the body, false elevation to the spirit, making things seem what they are not and vastly fairer than what they are.

 - Jack London, John Barleycorn, p.1052 in Novels and Social Writings

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