Friday, October 03, 2008

Quote of the Week

"Of the beasts of the field, and of the fishes of the sea, and of all foods that are acceptable in my sight you may eat, but not in the living room. Of the hoofed animals, broiled or ground into burgers, you may eat, but not in the living room. Of the cloven-hoofed animals, plain or with cheese, you may eat, but not in the living room. Of the cereal grain, of the corn and of the wheat and of the oats, and of all the cereals that are of bright color and unknown provenance you may eat, but not in the living room. Of the quiescently frozen dessert and of all frozen aftermeal treats you may eat, but absolutely not in the living room. Of the juices and other beverages, yes, even of those in sippy cups, you may drink, but not in the living room, neither may you carry such therein. Indeed, when you reach the place where the living room carpet begins, of any food and beverage there you may not eat, neither may you drink.

But if you are sick, and are lying down and watching something, then may you eat in the living room."
- Ian Frazier, "Laws Concerning Food and Drink; Household Principles; Lamentations of the Father," Lamentations of the Father, p.8

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