So first up is a new edition of Patricia A. McKillip's World Fantasy Award-winning 1974 novel The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, coming from Tachyon in trade paperback on September 19. You know, I'm not sure if I've ever read Eld -- I know I haven't read as much McKillip as I think I should. (I had a bad reaction to the end of the "Riddle-Master" trilogy when I was a young and stupid teenager and avoided her for far too long after that.) Anyway, I expect to read this edition, and maybe you should, too.
And then there's Nebula Awards Showcase 2017, edited by Julie E. Czerneda. It features all of the winners of the 2015 Nebulas -- the ones published that year, and awarded the next May -- and it will be out in time for the next round of Nebula Awards later this month. (May 16, to be precise, and to avoid you camping outside your store of choice for too long.) This one comes from Pyr, and is the latest in a long series of annual Nebula anthologies stretching back to the beginning of that award in 1965. It has all of the Short Story nominees, the Short Story, Novelette, and Novella winners (by Alyssa Wing, Sarah Pinsker, and Nnedi Okrafor, respectively), plus related poetry winners. It also has an excerpt from the winning novel, which is traditional, and excerpts from the other nominated novels, which is not -- and which also seems to have crowded out any other nominated short works. I'm not crazy about this choice, but it's not my anthology.

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