Saturday, June 08, 2024

Quote of the Week: The Other Persuasion

My other grandmother [...] was a Glencoe MacDonald, strong and of few words, worshipping a stern God on whom she kept a close eye to see that he didn't get up to anything the Presbytery wouldn't have approved of, like granting salvation to Catholics and Wee Frees. She frightened me, for she was hard and forbidding and insisted that we walk miles to church on Sundays. On these walks I was naturally forbitten to take my ball; on weekdays I could dribble it along beside her, and on one occasion she even condescended to kick it, watching it with a cold eye to see that it rolled straight. It did.

 - George MacDonald Fraser, "Night Run to Palestine," The General Danced at Dawn (pp.86-87 in The Complete McAuslan omnibus)

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