Sunday, June 09, 2024

Reviewing the Mail: Week of June 7, 2024

One book this week, from the fine house of Tachyon:

Yoke of Stars, a new novel in the Birdverse by R.B. Lemberg, coming July 16th in trade paperback and digital formats. 

I don't think I've read Lemberg, though I know I've seen other books in this series (from Tachyon) - without entirely being clear about the specific series-ness of it. (What I mean is: some series follow a single main character in individual episodes, some follow a big cast in a big overall story, and some do quirkier things, like telling a lot of different stories in the same world. I get the sense the Birdverse is big and capacious, that each story so far doesn't necessarily lead directly to any other story. But, again: I'm going on vibes and implications in this book's back-cover copy, and am probably wrong at least somewhat.)

This one is about a person named Stone Orphan, about to graduate from the School of Assassins - just waiting to get the big graduation assignment, and kill someone to prove their skills. But instead of killing someone, Orphan seems to spend this book trading stories with a linguist - so this is more of an engine to embed further stories, or a manifold of related tales, than the adventure fiction you'd expect from a story starting with an apprentice assassin.

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