For the most part, these are vaguely edgy and surreal single-panel cartoons, a third-generation descendant of The Far Side. (Which, considering most current strips are at least sixth-generation clones of Bringing Up Father, is not as much of a back-handed compliment as it sounds.)
I thought most of the cartoons were funny, laughed out loud at a few, and found a handful incomprehensible (where I literally couldn't figure out what the joke was supposed to be). That's not a bad ratio, and having the cartoons that don't seem to even make sense shows that "Guy and Rodd" are willing to try odd ideas, even when they don't work. I appreciate that in cartoonists.
The art is merely serviceable -- neither Dilbert-level minimalism nor Prince Valiant-level impressive; it gets the job done, but that's about it. The drawing could use a bit more expression to help the jokes work better, but this strip is still young, so that might yet happen.
The Fabulous Book-A-Day Index!
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