Today is Guy Fawkes Day, which honestly means nothing to Americans. But some of us do try to remember it because we think it makes us seem cool and "with-it."
So, anyway, today is the day set aside for trying to assassinate royalty. I don't think we have any particularly oppressive kings in the western world right now, but there's probably some third-world "emperor" who could use hoisting on someone else's petard.
If you're feeling less energetic, it would be a good day to read or watch V for Vendetta. Whatever you do, though: don't blame me.
"So, anyway, today is the day set aside for trying to assassinate royalty. I don't think we have any particularly oppressive kings in the western world right now, [...]"
That's one way of looking at what Fawkes and company were up to. Another was is that a small group of religious fanatics were plotting to use murder and kidnapping to overthrow the legitimate government and place a nine-year-old puppet queen on the throne of England. They didn't have a problem with the basic structure of English government, and probably none with the idea of oppressing all but one religion, they just disagreed with James I about which religion should be suppressed.
James: Well, if you're going to be all serious asbout it, we'll never knock off any kings!
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