Sunday, April 16, 2006

Today's WFA Reading: 4/16

Well, not today's, since there's no mail delivery here on Sunday. And I'm not sure if the boxes came yesterday or Friday, since we left at 8:30 in the morning on Friday, well before mail-delivery time.

But sometime in those two days, three packages appeared on my doorstep, bearing books marked "no commercial value" from Monkeybrain (Chris Roberson's publishing arm, which is what reminded me), NESFA Press and Tor (yes, them again).

And, since I seem to be mentioning what non-WFA thing I'm reading when I post one of these Books Received thingies, I'll share that I'm now solidly in the middle of Steven Erikson's House of Chains, fourth book of "The Malazan Book of the Fallen." (Which is the Est fantasy series I've ever read -- whatever comparison you can think of, the Malazan books are the -est of it. I'm not entirely sure if this is good or bad, but I enjoy them immoderately.) Sadly, it was published in 2002 originally, so it can't do double-duty and count for WFA reading. It's also bloody huge, as the whole series is.

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