John W. Campbell Memorial Award: (tie)
- Little Brother
by Cory Doctorow (my review)
- Song of Time
by Ian R. MacLeod
2009 Locus Awards:
- Science Fiction Novel: Anathem
, Neal Stephenson (Atlantic UK, Morrow)
- Fantasy Novel: Lavinia
, Ursula K. Le Guin (Harcourt)
- First Novel: Singularity's Ring
, Paul Melko (Tor, my review)
- Young-Adult Book: The Graveyard Book
, Neil Gaiman (HarperCollins, Bloomsbury, my review)
- Novella: "Pretty Monsters", Kelly Link (Pretty Monsters
- Novelette: "Pump Six", Paolo Bacigalupi (Pump Six and Other Stories
- Short Story: "Exhalation", Ted Chiang (Eclipse Two
- Anthology: The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Fifth Annual Collection
, Gardner Dozois, ed. (St. Martin's)
- Collection: Pump Six and Other Stories
, Paolo Bacigalupi (Night Shade Books)
- Non-Fiction/Art Book: P. Craig Russell, Coraline: The Graphic Novel
, Neil Gaiman, adapted and illustrated by P. Craig Russell (HarperCollins, my review)
- Editor: Ellen Datlow
- Artist: Michael Whelan
- Magazine: F&SF
- Publisher: Tor
2008 Bram Stoker Awards:
- Novel: Duma Key
, Stephen King (Scribner)
- First Novel: The Gentling Box
, Lisa Mannetti (Dark Hart)
- Long Fiction: Miranda, John R. Little (Bad Moon)
- Short Fiction: The Lost
, Sarah Langan (Cemetery Dance)
- Fiction Collection: Just After Sunset
, Stephen King (Scribner)
- Anthology: Unspeakable Horror
, Vince A. Liaguno & Chad Helder, eds. (Dark Scribe)
- Non-Fiction: A Hallowe'en Anthology
, Lisa Morton, ed. (McFarland)
- Poetry: The Nightmare Collection
, Bruce Boston (Dark Regions)
Novel: Tender Morsels
(And I'll just link to the rest.)
Compton Crook/Stephen Tall Award: Singularity's Ring
And did I ever mention the Clarke Award? (Was I slacking as far back as April?) Oh, what the heck, let's throw it on the pile:
Arthur C. Clarke Award: Song of Time
Congratulations to all of the winners, and, to all of the runners-up: you were robbed, mate!
(All via Locus Online, where you would have gotten this news much, much sooner.)
Listening to: A Camp - Love Has Left the Room
via FoxyTunes
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