As before, much of the bulk of these books is taken up by melodramatic stories about minor characters (many of whom become Buddha's disciples eventually). In Deer Park, the former brigand Tatta becomes a guard in the service of the King of Magadha; his service culminates with a duel with the giant Yatala (of the guard of the King of Kosala, the country that conquered Siddhartha/Buddha's homeland). Then, in the end of the book, the focus shifts back to Buddha directly, with a couple of parables and his the recruiting of his first monk disciples. The different bits are well-told, but this one definitely feels like middle, with captions saying things like "and this will be important later" or "that meeting colored all of their subsequent lives" or even "and this will be on the test, so pay attention."

The modern references are still jarring, but that's just the way Tezuka seems to work -- melodrama runs right into slapstick, and serious philosophy follows low comedy. The screwball little kids aren't much in evidence in these volumes (the one major kid character is a sullen grump of a prince), but we do have people kicked through panel borders and several references to this being a work of fiction. (One character takes off his helmet because "it's tough for Tezuka to draw.") Since the whole of Buddha is such a long story, and will presumably end with Buddha's death, there aren't a whole lot of narrative hooks to drag the reader forward into later books. Again, the individual stories are interesting, and Buddha's teachings obviously have weight and substance, but the structure of the overall project is a bit diffuse.
But, at this point, I might as well see how it all comes out...if I can dig up copies of the last two books. (My local library system doesn't have them.)
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