Sunday, December 03, 2023

Reviewing the Mail: Week of 12/2/2023

I happened to be at a library grabbing a movie, and, somehow, just by wandering by some shelves, I found three books to read. I have no idea how that happened....

The Secret Life of John Le Carré is an extension to the major biography Adam Sisman wrote about Le Carré a few years back. I haven't read the big book, but this one is short, and seems to be partly about the push-pull between an eminent writer who demands privacy in all things and the biographer whose job is to find out things and write about them, and partly about the multiple affairs Le Carré had over the past several decades and kept secret until his recent death. So it's scandalous and thoughtful/literary, which sounds right up my alley. I've been reading Le Carré's novels, slowly, the past few years, so I may even dive into the big biography at some point, too.

Hidden Systems is a graphic novel by Dan Nott, about infrastructure - water, electricity, the Internet, things like that. I'm not sure if it's more about how those things were (or are) built, or about how they are maintained, but my guess is that it's a bit of both. It's got a glowing quote from David Macaulay, author of The Way Things Work, which is the grandfather of this genre - so that's a good sign.

And then there's The Twilight Man: Rod Serling and the Birth of Television, a biographical GN by Koren Shadmi, who also (I don't know the sequence) did a similar bio of Lugosi (as well as fiction GNs like Bionic). Again, don't know all that much about it, but I'd had it flagged in my library's digital app to read eventually, so, when I saw it in person, I figured "eventually" might as well be "now."

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