Tuesday, February 03, 2009

More Weird Spam

Hey, remember the time somebody in Turkey tried to sell me a perfume stand? Well, he, or someone much like him, is back. Today I got this wonderful offer, which of course I can't read. (I'm not 100% sure this one is Turkish, but that's my assumption.)

This time I think they're trying to sell me a warehouse, or maybe just some fancy green-and-yellow machines for my warehouse. I just wish I was the bloated plutocrat that the Turks seem to think I am.

Or, maybe....maybe I would become a towering titan of international commerce if I were only to move to Ankara! Maybe a little house on the Bosporus is just what I need to rule the import-export business with an iron fist! Hmm, this has possibilities....


Spine said...

Mr Hornswoggler, you can


using a Dogan winch. Dogan Winches offer a range of weight-moving equipment, from monorail and double-beam lifters to mobile winches. They're based 8 kilometers outside the southwest Turkish city of Denizli. You may want to book a flight now.

Andrew Wheeler said...

Thanks Spine! It's great to know I have a go-to guy for Turkish translation.

And, you know, I have been feeling that my load is getting unmanageable lately...

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