Create your own visitor map!
I'm assuming this map will fill up with little white triangles as time goes on. If it doesn't, then we'll know I screwed up.
A Weblog by One Humble Bookman on Topics of Interest to Discerning Readers, Including (Though Not Limited To) Science Fiction, Books, Random Thoughts, Fanciful Family Anecdotes, Publishing, Science Fiction, The Mating Habits of Extinct Waterfowl, The Secret Arts of Marketing, Other Books, Various Attempts at Humor, The Wonders of New Jersey, the Tedious Minutiae of a Boring Life, Science Fiction, No Accounting (For Taste), And Other Weighty Matters.
Would whoever is visiting from Churchill, Manitoba (or thereabouts) please identify himself?
Keith Morrison, is that you?
Does it work if you read via the RSS feed? I could *see* the map in the feed (which was neat) but because I'm within The US Northeastern Blob I couldn't tell whether I had really arrived, so to speak.
Graeme: I really don't know how it works. I suspect that if you load the map at all, you get counted (since I didn't add any other code to the page), but I'm no HTML expert.
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