Saturday, January 31, 2009
An Exciting Opportunity to Sit One Thin Cube Wall Away From Me!
Marketing managers with experience in finance preferred required.
Recurring Motifs:
Secret Arts of Marketing
Friday, January 30, 2009
Here's the Skinny
Today for ComicMix, I reviewed Carol Lay's new diet book/graphic novel The Big Skinny
One Way to Do an Interview
Pat's Fantasy Hotlist interviews Glen Cook, and they fail to communicate nearly the entire way through. The interesting thing to me is how utterly different Pat's and Glen's views of the literary world are.
Pat's questions also at times seem to be exceptionally generic, though he obviously has read some of Cook's work -- which is better than many interviewers.
(I've never done interviews myself in large part because I'm afraid they'd end up like this.)
Pat's questions also at times seem to be exceptionally generic, though he obviously has read some of Cook's work -- which is better than many interviewers.
(I've never done interviews myself in large part because I'm afraid they'd end up like this.)
Quote of the Week
"Love is not the dying moan of a distant violin -- it's the triumphant twang of a bedspring."
- S.J. Perelman
This is the first of a series of quotes on the same subject -- appearing the last Friday of the month -- that will run nearly all year. I got them all from The Big Book of Sex "Quotes", edited by Julian L'Estrange and published by Cassell in the UK in 2004. I'll chuck in the obligatory Amazon thingy below, but I bought it cheaply from Edward R. Hamilton, and -- if you're interested in it -- I suggest you check his stock first.
I read The Big Book of Sex "Quotes" just as a book like this was meant to be read -- in fits and starts, as I had a spare moment, generally lying in bed before going to sleep. I'm not going to "review" it, because it's a book of quotes about sex, and that would be just silly. It's just fine as what it intends to be, and would be a more than adequate diversion in the smallest room or elsewhere.
- S.J. Perelman
This is the first of a series of quotes on the same subject -- appearing the last Friday of the month -- that will run nearly all year. I got them all from The Big Book of Sex "Quotes", edited by Julian L'Estrange and published by Cassell in the UK in 2004. I'll chuck in the obligatory Amazon thingy below, but I bought it cheaply from Edward R. Hamilton, and -- if you're interested in it -- I suggest you check his stock first.
I read The Big Book of Sex "Quotes" just as a book like this was meant to be read -- in fits and starts, as I had a spare moment, generally lying in bed before going to sleep. I'm not going to "review" it, because it's a book of quotes about sex, and that would be just silly. It's just fine as what it intends to be, and would be a more than adequate diversion in the smallest room or elsewhere.
Recurring Motifs:
Quote of the Week
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Andrew Wheeler Watch: Week 3,754
I am not the Andrew Wheeler urging you to reconsider your 2009 Marketing Budget, even if it sounds like the kind of thing I might say.
If I had any concerns about your marketing budget, I'd tell you directly -- that's the kind of guy I am.
Further updates from the world of Andrew Wheelers will follow as necessary.
If I had any concerns about your marketing budget, I'd tell you directly -- that's the kind of guy I am.
Further updates from the world of Andrew Wheelers will follow as necessary.
Recurring Motifs:
Wide World of Wheelers
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
What World?
I reviewed the new fancy-schmancy Ghost World: Special Edition
-- a collection of the Dan Clowes graphic novel, the screenplay by Clowes and Terry Zwigoff for the movie of the same name, and various other related materials -- today for ComicMix.
My Green Man Music of 2008
For the third and last time, a post full of links related to my "best of the year" selection for Green Man Review. This one will be slightly more useful, since I'm using the MAGIC OF WIDGETS! to embed snippets of the songs I chose. That way, you can tell if I have good or bad taste immediately.
This list is in three parts; first comes my favorite albums of 2008, with links:
(Missing from the widget are: “Ghosts” by Caroline Keating, “Song for the Winter Sun” by Loom, and “C’mon Baby Say Bang Bang” by Jane Vain & the Dark Matter.)
And last is widget #2, with the songs I called "Rocking":
This list is in three parts; first comes my favorite albums of 2008, with links:
- The Airborne Toxic Event, The Airborne Toxic Event
- Camphor, Drawn to Dust
- The Charlatans, You Cross My Path
- KaiserCartel, March Forth
- Jenny Lewis, Acid Tongue
- Aimee Mann, @#%&*! Smilers
- Shannon McArdle, Summer of the Whore
- Mono in VCF, Mono In VCF
- Mr. Gnome, Deliver This Creature
- New Frontiers, Mending
- Rupa & the April Fishes, Extraordinary Rendition
- Anna Ternheim, Halfway to Fivepoints
(Missing from the widget are: “Ghosts” by Caroline Keating, “Song for the Winter Sun” by Loom, and “C’mon Baby Say Bang Bang” by Jane Vain & the Dark Matter.)
And last is widget #2, with the songs I called "Rocking":
(Again, several songs aren't available for the widget -- "Brigitte Bardot” by Creature, “Fairy Tales” by Hypernova, and “Growing Old” by Terrordactyls.)
Recurring Motifs:
Favorites of the Year,
Movie Log: Brideshead Revisted

(The Wife is quite fond of any period movie with plummy accents, so I see more than my fair share of the type.)
I haven't read the book in a decade, but I do remember it being somewhat more nuanced than the movie is -- although Charles Ryder's lust for the house comes across pretty clearly. (And, speaking of things coming across clearly, a minor character spells out the point of the movie about five minutes before the end, nudging all of us in the ribs who haven't managed to fall asleep.)
The story is familiar to readers of Evelyn Waugh's novel and those who remember the miniseries: Ryder (Matthew Goode) is a poor-but-honest student in the '20s at Oxbridge -- I think the movie specifies which, but I didn't bother remembering -- where he falls in with the rich, dissolute, and flaming Sebastian Flyte (Ben Whishaw). Flyte takes Ryder home to the ancestral pile, Brideshead, and Ryder immediately wants to become part of Flyte's world. (Flyte wants to fuck Ryder -- that and drink heavily -- but little else.)
Everyone moans about how oppressive and unpleasant Catholicism is, particularly the type epitomized by Flyte's mummy, Lady Marchmain (Thompson). Thompson plays the role as rigid and upright, but she's no nastier than a thousand similar upright Victorians in a thousand similar movies -- she'd be an utter wimp as an aunt of Bertie Wooster's. So the hysteria surrounding her -- she's supposedly "destroyed" her estranged husband and her children with her piety -- doesn't make much sense.
And, of course, Brideshead Revisited the movie does its best to reverse the moral of Brideshead Revisited the book, since this kind of period movie is always in favor of freedom and license, which Waugh most definitely was not. It's not a bad movie, all in all, but it's barely a cartoon of Waugh's story. And it's too true to that story to provide the cathartic running-away-to-Italy ending that movies of this sort always want to have.
So Brideshead Revisited is really only for those, like my wife, who really really like this kind of movie, and will see it as many times as they can. The rest of us can take a pass.
Recurring Motifs:
Movie Log
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
My Green Man Movies of 2008
These are the movies I listed for Green Man Review's big "Best of 2008" special issue. Here they have links, in case there's anyone so foolhardy as to buy a movie just because I liked it. But you'll have to go to GMR to know why I liked any of these. (And to read my lame excuse for why my list of the best of 2008 includes several movies from 2007.)
Recurring Motifs:
Favorites of the Year,
Movie Log
My Green Man Books of 2008
Here are the books I listed for Green Man Review as my favorites of 2008, in the categories of SFF and comics. Nitpicky readers might note that these do not precisely line up with my "Favorites of the Year" post from this blog on the first of the year.
If you call it a contradiction, I'll only start quoting Whitman, and nobody wants that. So let's move on hastily to the list itself...
If you call it a contradiction, I'll only start quoting Whitman, and nobody wants that. So let's move on hastily to the list itself...
- Iain M. Banks, Matter
- Toby Barlow, Sharp Teeth
- Terry Pratchett, Nation
- Matthew Stover, Caine Black Knife
- Charles Stross, Saturn's Children
- Michael Swanwick, The Dragons of Babel
- Walter Jon Williams, Implied Spaces
- Lynda Barry, editor, The Best American Comics 2008
- Holly Black & Ted Naifeh, The Good Neighbors, Book 1: Kin
- Joshua W. Cotter, Skyscrapers Of The Midwest
- Rick Geary, Treasury of XXth Century Murder: The Lindbergh Child
- Gilbert Hernandez, Speak of the Devil
- Scott McCloud, Zot!: The Complete Black and White Collection: 1987-1991
- Cyril Pedrosa, The Three Shadows
- Nate Powell, Swallow Me Whole
- Dash Shaw, Bottomless Belly Button
- Yoshihiro Tatsumi, Good-Bye
Recurring Motifs:
Favorites of the Year,
Science Fiction
More Publishing Bad News
Reed Business Information, the publisher of Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, and School Library Journal, has restructured their staff, laying off about 7% of employees.
The highest-profile job loss is Sara Nelson, the occasionally-too-perky editor-in-chief of PW.
[via New York Times ArtsBeat]
The e-mail newsletter Shelf Awareness has further details of the Reed cuts: the Spanish-language magazine Criticas will be folded and its senior editor, Aida Bardales, laid off.
Also let go by PW are executive editor Daisy Maryles, bookselling editor Kevin Howell, children's reviews editor Elizabeth Devereaux and director of business development Rachel Dicker.
The remnants of the group -- PW, Library Journal, and School Library Journal -- will be overseen by SLJ editor-in-chief Brian Kenney, who becomes editorial director.
Best wishes for a speedy and successful job search to all of those let go, especially Bardales, who was a book-club colleague some years back.
The highest-profile job loss is Sara Nelson, the occasionally-too-perky editor-in-chief of PW.
[via New York Times ArtsBeat]
The e-mail newsletter Shelf Awareness has further details of the Reed cuts: the Spanish-language magazine Criticas will be folded and its senior editor, Aida Bardales, laid off.
Also let go by PW are executive editor Daisy Maryles, bookselling editor Kevin Howell, children's reviews editor Elizabeth Devereaux and director of business development Rachel Dicker.
The remnants of the group -- PW, Library Journal, and School Library Journal -- will be overseen by SLJ editor-in-chief Brian Kenney, who becomes editorial director.
Best wishes for a speedy and successful job search to all of those let go, especially Bardales, who was a book-club colleague some years back.
Recurring Motifs:
It's the Economy Stupid,
Splendors of Publishing
Monday, January 26, 2009
Some People Have Painted Marriages, While Others...
Today for ComicMix I reviewed a new collection of cartoons by Liza Donnelly and Michael Maslin entitled Cartoon Marriage
. I liked it, too.
Green Men Declare Best of 2008
Green Man Review just posted its annual special issue, devoted to the best of the year just ended. And this year they not only asked me to join in, they even led off with my choices -- I think entirely because I wrote far too much, but I'll take it.
Others who participated -- choosing music, movies, books, chocolate, and other things -- were Lou Anders, Kage Baker, Tobias Buckell, James Hetley, Elizabeth Hand, Josepha Sherman, Peter Beagle, and Tim Pratt. (And many more.)
I'm going to turn my various lists into link-filled posts here -- because linking is one of the core joys of blogging -- but you'll have to go to Green Man to read what I said about everything.
Others who participated -- choosing music, movies, books, chocolate, and other things -- were Lou Anders, Kage Baker, Tobias Buckell, James Hetley, Elizabeth Hand, Josepha Sherman, Peter Beagle, and Tim Pratt. (And many more.)
I'm going to turn my various lists into link-filled posts here -- because linking is one of the core joys of blogging -- but you'll have to go to Green Man to read what I said about everything.
Recurring Motifs:
Favorites of the Year,
Gaiman's Graveyard Book Wins the Newbery!
And, yes, I do think that deserves an exclamation point.
The John Newbery Medal is awarded annually by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children. It's the Hugo or Booker of children's books, and -- if you grew up in America -- is probably the first book award you ever knew existed.
This years Newbery Medal was awarded to Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book
And, just for good measure, here is my review of Graveyard Book.
The John Newbery Medal is awarded annually by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children. It's the Hugo or Booker of children's books, and -- if you grew up in America -- is probably the first book award you ever knew existed.
This years Newbery Medal was awarded to Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book
And, just for good measure, here is my review of Graveyard Book.
Recurring Motifs:
One of Us One of Us,
You Know: For Kids
Reviewing the Mail, Week of 1/24: Comics & Manga
And then I get into the books Yen Press -- the manga-publishing arm of Hachette in the US -- will release in February. These next seven books are all from Yen in February, all in the usual paperback format -- though some read "forwards" and some "backwards," depending on the creators.
Zombie-Loan, Vol. 5
And then there's Higurashi, When They Cry: Abducted by Demons Arc, Vol. 2
I also have here Goong: The Royal Palace, Vol. 4
And that was it for Yen; we'll now turn to other publishing companies once again.
And last for this week is Dean Koontz's Dean Koontz's Frankenstein: Prodigal Son
Recurring Motifs:
Reviewing the Mail
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