This time out, Harry isn't precisely "saving the world," but he is -- like most of the first half-dozen or so books -- intensely focused on saving himself from the dangers of his own side (the magical White Council), and, incidentally, in finding and eliminating a traitor on that Council. There's the usual cast of characters, and Harry does his not-really-swearing thing often enough that it grates (is it at all possible that a modern man would say "Hell's bells," explosively, in a moment of anger or frustration?), and Butcher pulls out the magical pyrotechnics several times to great effect.
(If I'm being vague, it's because I read Turn Coat about eight months ago, and neglected to write about it until now, in my year-end frenzy of catching up.)
Turn Coat has all of the virtues of a good series novel: the important supporting cast returns, and they show signs of continuing to change slightly, instead of staying static. Dresden himself is growing in skill and responsibility (though, of course, that also becomes something to watch out for; in a series like this, he could easily become Jehovah-level in another few books). And there is an overall plot that continues across the books, on top of the specific plot in this book. If you like magical adventures with a mostly-shiny hero in the modern world, the Dresden Files are about as good as they come.
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